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McKinley Hall Building Renovations

Springfield, OH


Completed in 2018, this project entailed the renovation of 32, 248 SQ. FT. of an existing building (former medical offices) for McKinley Hall, Inc. The existing building is a steel structural frame with steel columns, beams, bar joists, concrete on steel form deck, metal studs/ gypsum board interior walls, metal studs/ brick veneer exterior walls, and concrete basement walls and foundations. Renovation work included selective demolition of the basement, first floor, and second floor, construction of new interior walls, replacement of gypsum board on some water damaged interior walls, new finishes in existing elevator, replacement of suspended acoustical ceilings, replacement of lighting fixtures. Programmatic needs we fulfilled for this project includes, but is not limited to, new individual offices (for therapist's, violence interrupters, case managers, program coordinator, and more), small and large group rooms, new kitchenette in the basement, new second floor kitchen and dining area, new restrooms and showers, and 6 bedroom units - two units with two beds per room and four units with three beds per room.


14 East Main Street, Suite 201

Springfield, OH 45502


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